A Child’s Perspective: Playful Design, Home Grown

Recently, my family and I visited The Province at Indian Wells. While we were walking through the model homes, we noticed another family with two young boys. One of the more rewarding experiences was listening to how the family planned to use each space and especially how excited the two little ones were. They would each pick out their rooms, figure out where the dog was going to sleep, and lay out all the fun things they had planned for the home.

This was a unique experience to see home design from a child’s perspective. As both a father and a designer, this experience inspired me to consider how to create spaces that enable a child to thrive. To a child, a home is a safe space to play, a calm place to learn, and a warm environment to grow. Let’s take a look at some design elements that facilitate this environment.

Practical Entrance

A family home with a practical entrance provides transitional space between living areas. A drop zone off the front entry or a mud room off the garage provides storage and is great for keeping essential items going in and out of the home. This is a great place to store backpacks, sporting equipment, and beach towels.

Open Floor Plan

An open common living core allows the family to feel connected. It provides a space for long-lasting memories to be made through key family chats, cooking together in the kitchen, and cozy movie and game nights. It’s also a great space to host pivotal events such as holiday gatherings, birthday parties, study nights, and sleepovers!

Secondary Multifunctional Living Spaces

A semi-private second living space such as a den, loft, or flex room, brings playfulness into a home. Starting as a playroom for toy storage and arts and crafts, this room can evolve as kids get older to a game room and study space to reflect a shift in interests. Flexible spaces allow a family home to grow with the family as their needs change.

To a child, home isn’t just a place to live — it’s the place they grow up, establish family values and lifelong habits, entertain friends, and find comfort in their adult life.

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