For the Love of Architecture

“Oh, I’m sorry.” “Wow that’s a tough major.” “You must not have any free time.” These were often the types of responses I would get in college when I mentioned to other students that I was an architecture major. At times, I agreed with them—yet I chose it anyway! This Valentine’s Day, I thought it would be fitting to dive into the many attributes that made me, and many others, fall in love with this crazy, wonderful, difficult, extraordinary discipline. 


1.  Eye Candy

There’s no denying that our profession has aesthetic appeal. We’re able to craft buildings with unique forms that draw the eye in admiration of their beauty. While the work we do might be nice to look at, it is also more than just a pretty face.

2.  More Than Just A Pretty Face

What separates architecture from art? In my opinion, it is the human element. The buildings, forms, and spaces we create will be inhabited by people of all walks of life. They must function beyond the sum of their parts, housing the lives and memories of countless individuals.


3.  No “Wrong” Answer

For those of us who stress out about tests and getting the questions wrong, have no fear! Architecture is that rare profession where there truly aren’t wrong answers. Ten architects given the same site and same program could all offer different, yet equally valid solutions for the problem they each solve.

4: Look Back… to the Future

Our life experiences, every building we walk by, into or through, each little detail we notice, all build into how we approach architectural design. We look to the past greats for inspiration, while continuing to advance the field into the future. What other profession offers this unique combination of ever-changing trends, keeping us interested and engaged throughout our career? As a great architect who is very close to me always says, “an architect is never bored”.


It seems to me, if you can find a love that’s good-looking both inside and out, with a connection that deepens the closer you look, who hardly says “no” to your crazy ideas, and always keeps things interesting, then why wouldn’t you devote your life to it, no matter how much dedication it requires?

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